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Follow the link to our latest hardcover book publications. A beautiful way to express best our key principles and approach to design.

'Stone Houses' by Phaidon featuring Villa N 

" A collection of 50 stone houses that make the most of this extraordinary, tactile material – shows, how leading architects from around the world have harnessed the beauty of stone to create exquisite houses in an inspiring array of styles. "

'Back to nature' by booq publishing feat. Villa SD

"This collection by some of the world’s finest architectural studios showcases how innovative architectural designs can seamlessly integrate with and complement the natural landscape to create harmonious and captivating structures - architects who skillfully blend their creations with nature's beauty, redefining the boundaries between man-made and natural worlds."

'Sustainable home' by booq publishing feat.Villa N

"A selection of sustainable homes built according to what is, today, feasible in the field of sustainable architecture, and shows us what alternatives are offered in this sense by current architecture. Once considered architectural curiosities, these houses, built in a way that respects the environment, lay the foundations of tomorrow’s construction "

March 2024 - Discovery + Channel

Villa SD is featured in Alan Cumming's TV show `PARADISE HOMES'  aired on Discovery+ and HGTV

And our latest publication of Villa SD in Ville&Casali 
together with our project Villa MM, Villa M and Villa SD featured in the 2023 Katalog of Most Beautiful Houses (Special edition Croatia)

June 2023 - Ville & Casali

July 2023 - Hausbau Katalog

Beautiful Photo shooting Villa M  by Pier Maulini. Take a look at our gallery

Villa N
August 2023

Villa N _ We have reached over 20.000 views!

Villa N featured by @_architetturaurbana_

summer in norway - stranda cabins
August 2024

Beautiful new site pictures of our Stranda Cabins

Update on site - villa 2G
february 2020

Beautiful new site pictures of our Villa 2G, completion is planned for May.

first hardcover book publication
January 2020

Follow the link to our first hardcover book publication.

' Sustainable homes ' by Cayetano Cardelus featuring our Villa N 

start on-site - villa SD
October 2019

See the site progress since starting on site last October of our villa SD overlooking the gulf of Monte Carlo.

start on-site - villa G
October 2019

We have started on-site with our project Villa G

Summer shooting villa M
September 2019

End of Summer shooting @ Villa M

the plan kitchen award 2019
April 2019

Villa M was shortlisted for this years the Plan Kitchen Award 2019

site progress
April 2019

Villa 2G

The construction of Villa 2G is approaching fast. With the basement floor cast, we will soon move on to the main floor.

site progress
April 2019

Extension H

Final touches for Extension H, Internal and external finishes to be completed soon.

februray 2019

Villa M is now online, check Archilovers and Archello and Decor for our latest project

Construction in Norway
january 2019

More of our minimal ski cabins and side sheds are being placed in the mountains of Norway, Stranda!

january 2019

Our Project Villa N is featured in this years architecture calender Archipendium 2019


Planning approval granted for our project Villa 2G, work to start on site in October

stranda cabin
august 2018

Four more ski cabins have been placed on site and more are expected before the start of the winter season 2018.

june 2018

Inauguration of the new restaurant terrace of RdP.

The plan kitchen award
aprile 2018

Villa N has been shortlisted for the Plan Kitchen Award 2018

extension h starts on site
december 2018

Our project Extension H starts on site this month in Rezzo. Completion is planned for Spring 2019

villa m starts on site
july 2017

Our project Villa M starts on site this month in Ospedaletti. Completion is planned for Autumn 2018

Production of Stranda Ski Cabin
june 2017

The First 4 Ski cabins are being produced off-site in Stranda Norway.  The entire structure is timber-framed, insulated with glass wool and clad with timber boards. The interior is defined by a minimal Nordic design and offers space for a family of 5 people. The Cabins are planned to be installed on site this autumn 2017 for the beginning of the Ski season 2017/ 2018

The Plan Award 2017_WINNER
may 2017

We are proud to announce that Villa N is the winner of the Plan Award 2017 in the category: The award ceremony took place at the Grand Hotel Excelsior Venice. The international jury consisted of prominent names from the world of architecture, city planning and design as well as leading academics.

perspective 2017
may 2017

For the first time, our office was invited to take place at the 8th edition of the Forum Perspective EU 2017. The International Forum of architecture with participants from Europe, Russia, Turkey, and India stimulates new design ideas, architectural discussion, new market research, and business opportunities.

CID Award 2017_Special Recognition
march 2017

Villa N receives special recognition at the CID Award 2017 in North America for their tile and stonework and will be exposed at Coverings 2017, North America's premier international trade fair and expo, April 4-7, 2017 at Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.


Planning approval granted for the project Villa M. Start on site planned in summer 2017

shop opening by gha
januARY 2017

Opening of new Fruit & Vegetable shop in Andora, Liguria designed by GHA

awards 2016
december 2016

Villa N was awarded as one of the TOP 20 architectures of the year 2016 on Archilover

Winner of the Brickworld 2016_Best small Building by Turner

Longlisted for the Wan Award 2016 _House of the year

mondadori welcomes GHA
june 2016

Mondadori and Casabella welcome GHA in their headquarter in Milan to exhibit the project Villa N.

planning approval
may 2016

Landscape permission granted for the project  - Extension H.

Start on site is planned for end of summr 2016

publications 2016
December 2016

The project Villa N is featured this month in the international architecture magazine Casabella n. 856

October 2016_ Front cover of the Dabs magazine 

September 2016_The international architecture magazine Casabella announces GHA as the winner of the design competition `Live outside the box`

AGB welcomes GHA
november 2015 

After winning the design competition "Live outside the box" organized by AGB in corporation with Casabella, Alban Giacomo Spa welcomes GHA in Bassano del Grappa to meet the company and production center.

gha wins first design competition
september 2015

GHA wins the open design competition LIVE OUTSIDE THE BOX sponsored by AGB Imago

and Casabella for the project Nemes

Inauguration of Villa N by GHA
april 2015

Housewarming party of the new build family home in Liguria designed by GHA 

shop opening by gha
februrary 2015

Shop opening of the exclusive fish shop "Boutique del mare" designed by GHA in Alassio.

september 2014

The first raw vegan street food caravan is ready for production.

Graphic designed by GHA in collaboration with Eugenio Guarini 

company foundation of GHA

GHA goes online in March 2014

Giordano Hadamik Architects / ITALY - T 0039 320 1865244 / GERMANY - T 0049 203 74899016 / F 0049 203 741203 / / © All Rights Reserved

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